am tired. soo soooooooo tired. i haven't slept good all week. except for last night. that was good. my dog kept coming onto my bed right next to my head. and pushing me off the bed. hey. that rhyms. im going to make a poem of my tiredness.
Okay, here goes.
I am so tired,
my brain, is wired.
i havn't slept good all week.
My dog is a blob, my brother's a snob
and the other ones starting to reek.
this poem does't make sense at all
and im still so tired im going to fall
i just had to give the chickens fresh water you see,
they will drink so much that they'll have to go- i think im done.
The End.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
I'm sure ALL of you have seen this logo before-
Monday, February 15, 2010
okay, it's time to talk about florida!!! im going to be sitting here for a while.
Day 1, Friday Morning.
I got up at 5:30, got all packed, ate a muffin, said goodbye to my bro's, then my dad drove me and my mom to the airport in salt lake! i think i might've fallen asleep on the way! then we got to the airport, at like, seven or something, and we said goodbye to my dad. we checked on our big bag and then we found the security and then they made us take our shoes off and put all our electronics and jackets and bags in this plastic bin and then we had to walk through this scanner thing and then we had to put all of our stuff back on and i was not in the mood cuz i was tired and wanted sunny weather. anyway, once we were past security, we sat in chairs for about half an hour and then they let us board the plane to houston! i never want to go on a plane again. seriousley. HORRIBLE!!! taking off made me nausious, (is that how you spell it?) then we encountered turbulance. OUCH!! we kept bumping up and down and- *shudder* and then i had to go to the bathroom which made me clostrophobic and i almost threw up and then my ears started hurting really really bad like last time i was on a plane, and then it was pretty much a re-run on the plane to Florida. We landed at about, eight something and we met our aunt and cuzins at "Millers Ale House." ale. as in beer. yuck. i didn't have any, and neither did my mommy. but i had a philly cheese steak sandwich and it was amazing!!!! but then we finished eating and went to my aunt donnas house to sleep. in a very comfy bed. ( by the way, i got a cell phone the night before we left. my parents surprised me!!! thanks mom!!!)
Day 2, Saturday
we got up and my aunt donna made us sausage and eggs and toast, and then we were stuck wondering what to do for the rest of the day. we desided to go to a craft fair in siesta key, and so we called up cuzins and more family to see if they wanted to go. they did, so they came over and we drove to siesta key. with these three little children poking me and slapping me with stuffed animals. but finally we got there and we couldn't find the craft fair so we went to the beach. it was really windy, and so the waves were super high!!! but it was so cool, me and my mom stuck our feet in the sand, and one time the wave came up so high, that my moms shoes almost floated away!!! then we left the beach and finally found the craft fair just while it was closing, but we still looked around and i bought a really pretty anklet! then we went back home and ordered pizza and then we went to bed.
Day 3, Sunday
We got up and went to church at 9:00 am, and my aunt donna came with us! (she's catholic) and since she came to sacrament with us, we went to mass with her. It was really different, to tell you the truth. but, that's pretty much all we did that day. oh wait, we did check into our hotel. and that was awesome!!! i slept good!!!
Day 4, Monday
We went to Epcot!!! it was so much fun, we did EVERYTHING!!! and i got some awesome pics!!!
some of my favorite things we saw were the fireworks show, sourin, (we did that twice) and the world showcase!!! but here's something sad, when we were there, this old guy fell backwards out of his wheelchair, and got rushed away by perimedics. it was so sad!!! but anyway, my favorite worlds were france and japan!! i bought a bere` in france, and in japan me and my mom both got some hair clips, and then we got to watch a lady open a clam and get the pearls out!!! then on our way out we had to stop by package claim cuz we did the give a day get a disney day thing and turns out when you do that you get a little metal micky mouse thing with four pins that you aparently can't find anywhere else!!! and at package claim i found a jacket that was absolutely amazing beyond belief so i had to get it, but it was a total splurge. the jacket was white with little mickey mouse heads withe flags from countries in the heads. then we went home and i went swimming in a pool at our resort and then we went back for the fire works show, and it was great!!!! great show!!! then we went home and had a dinner of beef jerky and went to bed.
Day 5, Tuesday
We went to magic kingdom! but it was a really gloomy day, it was rainy and pouring and ugh. We pretty much did everything there too! oh and get this- I WAS THE FIRST ONE THROUGH THE TURNSDILE!!!! so yeah, that got me pretty excited!! then we saw the official welcome, and we headed straight to space mountain, just in time to find out that it was having technical difficulties and that we would have to come back later in the day with our fast passes. so we just did everything else we could in tomorrow land, and then we went over to frontier land just in time to find out that splash mountian, our favorite ride, was not splashing. yeah. that dissapointed us pretty big. so then we did everything else in the park, and we went to main street and found this glass shop where we saw this guy making a castle, it was pretty cool!!! so then we went home for a while to rest our blistering feet, and then we came back for the fireworks which was almost as good as epcots..... so then we went home again and slept.
Day 6, Wednesday
We went to animal kingdom! it was still freaking cold, and we huddled in the bathroom to stay warm for a while. (lol) so once the turnsdials opened we saw the opening of micky and minnie on a jeep, and then we went on our own little safari type thing, and i saw some naked mole rats and a zebra donkey thing, and then after that we went on another safari where we saw the real stuff like elaphants and flamingos and alligators. i got some pretty good pics of that, and then we went to a couple shows, and they were really cool. i liked finding nemo the best. and the lion king. the little mermaid, all you did was watch little clips from the movie and it was very confusing. and then we went to this rafiki planet watch thing, and we didn't stay for the fireworks, we just went to downtown disney where we froze and my mom got a jacket, and then we went to bed.
Day 7, Thursday
We went to hollywood studios!! that, and epcot had to be my favorite out of all the parks. we started off the day tired, then went on a roller coaster, then afterwards we came out very awake. we went on rockin roller coaster, and i was freaking out. you know how they take pics of you on the ride? come over to my house and i will show you the picture, cuz we bought it. i really wish we hadn't, but we did. so yeah. come over and i will show you. there was loopedy loops and it was going like a billion miles an hour. lol. then we wanted to go on the tower of terror, but we got fast passes instead and went on the toy story game, and it was really fun!!! then we went on a couple more rides, and then we went to see this stunt show, and it was amazing!!! lots of cool effects that weren't made by computer!!! then we went to this muppet vision 3d thing, and it was ok, but not the best. then we finally went on the tower of terror, and that was definately my favorite ride there!!! it was so much fun!!! it's impossible to go on that ride and not laugh. seriousley. my butt got lifted off the seat!!! it was awesome!!! then we went to the beauty and the beast, and it was very well done!! my mom got some pretty good pics of that! then we went on the tower of terror again because i thought it was the best ride in the world!!! and in line, there were a bunch of 13 year old cheerleaders (there was a cheer competition going on and all the girls were staying at our hotel, earplugs were advised!!!!) so these cheerleaders were freaking out and they kept asking me if it was scary and i kept telling them it was fun but they still kept freaking out. so yeah, butt lifting all over again!!! then we went to an indiana jones show, and it was really cool! but because of the weather, they couldn't show the mian scene... :( then we wanted to see this lazer light show but it was full fifteen minutes before showtime. so we decided to leave.
Day 8, Friday
we slept over at my moms cuzins house, and we went to my great grannys half pink half tan apartment building to get geniology. i wasn't really paying attention, but i did learn that my great grandpa got a purple heart for landing a plane that had been shot down safely and living to tell the tale. anyway, we went out to lunch at this chinese place that had chow mien that was not as good as panda expresses but came in at like, fifth place. it wasn't that good, but it was good. then we went back to grannys she showed me her collection of perfume bottles. (there were like, at least twenty!! she is a pack rat, her place is piled high with junk, no offense intended.) so i got to keep the perfume bottles but i only picked out my favorites and junked the rest. most of them were just old avon bottles. so we went home and my cuzin elizabeth and her mom and bro came over and she crashed on the couch at like, ten thirty and i played on the wii until about midnight. then in the morning, we had breakfast, packed, and then by lunch we were headed to tampa. my mom wanted to show me where she grew up, but we kept getting lost and thought we would bag the whole thing and then my mom started to recognize stuff and we found her house! it used to be sparkley blue and now it's a boring tan. so i saw her school and stuff and then we went to the airport and got on the plane for home!!! and i will have to post pics later cuz my computer is being stupid.... lol :)
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